Friday, September 2, 2011

First Day of School

I had my first day at school yesterday and it was fun. I went with Mitch to the high school and got to go to all of his classes and meet all of his friends. During drama, I got to go way up on the cat walk and look out over the stage. The catwalk has to be at least 20 feet off of the ground and it felt funny on my feet.  Julimae  liked to go up there with Mitch too. There have been two dogs but no cats up there and I didn't think it was right that it was called a catwalk. Ms Morrey agreed and it is now officially called the West Lake Dogwalk.

After I got home, it was Dad's turn to take me to the College. We went into a computer lab and got to learn about creating websites. I wasn't very interested so I just helped my self to a bone out of my bag and chewed all throughout class. Dad said that next time we need to bring a rope or something quiet. After the class, the Professor asked dad what it was that I did for him. He told the professor that I make him happy and then explained about my training.

As we were on our way home we got into an accident on the freeway. I was sitting on the floor where I was suppose to be and I wasn't hurt. Dad had to wait around for the Troopers and fill out a report. I took this as an opportunity to climb into his seat and take a nap. The Trooper and I became fast friends even though he woke me from my nap. I must have been asleep when they cleaned up afterward because I don't recall seeing any car sized oops bags.

Quick Julimae update; She and Jacinda are in phase 0. Kyle is in phase 8 and Clyde is in stage 2.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like you had a busy day of school!

    Make sure that if your daddy brings you a rope toy to play with that you don't tear it up and swollow the stringy bits. We don't want your poor tummy getting obstructed.
